Ingredients for Home Made Pizza Dough
- Bullet Express
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 tablespoon of butter
- 2 cups all purpose flour plus 1 cup of flour
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 pack of dry yeast
- Let the Bullet Express do the work.

Raven and Ian were over this weekend. We had several projects we wanted to do. I just got the Bullet Expres and wanted to do some testing with it. So we made home made pizza dough. It was easy and fun. Just takes a few seconds in the Bullet and it taste good too. We made two batches, well I made one and Raven did the next one. She loves to cook. While we were making the pizza dough, Grandaddy and Ian were pulling stapes out of his bedroom floor. It was too cold outside for them to work on the deck. Maybe next weekend. Here are some of the pictures of the dough making and I get to show off the Bullet Expresss and my backsplash!
Look at that girl go!

I will have to add a picture of the finished product later. Raven and Ian took theirs home to cook and Grandaddy and I ate ours without taking a picture. I had not eaten anything since breakfast and we ate about Dinner at 6.
Now just wait an hour or so for it to rise.

Here is Ian helping Grandaddy pull staples.

And here they are going home.
I Am So Sad!